Cologne launches Museums Offensive 2029 with support from actori

unsplash/Geert Pieters
News I Image: Eric Weber, unsplash

What financial, organizational and infrastructural requirements are necessary to attract around 2 million visitors to Cologne's municipal museums in five years' time? Julius Geiger, Rebecca Heinzler, Frank Schellenberg and Dr. Nora Pähler vor der Holte are currently getting to the bottom of this question together with Stefan Charles, Head of the City of Cologne's Department of Culture.

Cologne's museums currently reach around 740,000 visitors per year. Stefan Charles has set himself the goal of improving these figures. In this project, actori GmbH will support him as a sparring partner. The focus will be on innovative approaches that ensure that the museums operate more economically, strengthen the relevance of their content and expand their audience orientation. In Germany's fourth-largest city, two million visitors to the city's museums is "not an unattainable goal", says Charles. The timing of this ambitious project is well chosen, as numerous museums are currently undergoing or about to undergo renovation and will then have the opportunity to shine in new splendor.

You can read more about this in the Kölnische Rundschau.


This project is implemented by Dr. Nora Pähler vor der Holte, project manager, Rebecca Heinzler, Consultant/Architecture, Julius Geiger, Consultant, Frank Schellenberg, managing director.

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