To-By-By: Strategies that are actually implemented

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unsplash/Geert Pieters
News I Image: PIRO4D, pixabay

"Why do we need a new strategy, it's just going to end up in a drawer anyway..." This or something similar is often the reaction of employees and managers when a strategy consultancy starts a project. And rightly so: a survey conducted by the market research institute Gartner in 2023 shows that 34% of strategies fail due to unclear responsibilities, 22% due to poor communication and 14% due to a lack of prioritisation.1

actori also encounters these reservations in strategy processes. This is why we have developed a strategy methodology that ensures that every strategy has a concrete implementation focus. The cultural conference is an instrument of choice for bringing together the "many" mentioned above for focussed processing of topics and issues. Here, a large number of cultural stakeholders and representatives from politics, administration and, ideally, other areas of society work together over a period of 1-2 days to discuss issues relevant to the future of culture. The advantages of such an approach are manifold:
This strategic approach, which combines new management methods, modern participation approaches and analytical expertise, is based on a triad: 1) Discovery, 2) Design, 3) Deliver. Employees are involved in each phase in order to firmly anchor the strategy in the company or institution.



In addition to a classic status quo analysis, actori combines employee and customer surveys in the discovery phase. Together with interviews, this results in a comprehensive overall picture that goes far beyond analysing a company's figures.




In the next phase, actori develops the company's vision and mission together with the management team and, building on this, develops initial fields of action in combination with the results of the discovery phase. These fields of action are worked out in a participatory manner with employees.



The final component of the strategy project is communication and preparation for implementation. actori uses the "To-By-By" approach for this.



The To-By-By method is a modern management approach developed at the University of St. Gallen by Philipp Engelhardt. This means that actori uses a new tool for strategy implementation that not only ensures a standardised and comprehensible perspective in the strategy, but also clearly describes the path to achieving the strategic goals. This approach clearly stands out from the common practices of other consultancies and is becoming a pioneer of modern strategy development, particularly in the institutional sector.


"The tool has now been used in several actori projects and we would be happy to advise you on your strategy process."

Dr. Frank Bischoff, President Landesarchiv Nordrhein-Westphalen

The To-By-By method works by linking objectives ("To... achieve something...") with measures ("by... doing the following") and deadlines ("by 2024").
The advantage of the method lies in the fact that its application directly derives a concrete field of action with concrete tasks, measures, a clear timeframe and responsibilities from strategic goals. In this way, the tool used by actori meets the most common challenges in strategy implementation and also ensures that the strategic objectives are easy to understand.

The tool has now been used in several actori projects and we would be happy to advise you on your strategy process.


Quelle: 1)

A contribution by Franziskus Linsmann, project management.

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